Sis.Mangayarkarasi. |
Reena’s mother was going through a difficult health condition with her terminal cancer. She had been admitted in the hospital often for her health issues. But after a long perseverance she understood its best & better to surrender to God and accepted Jesus as her Lord.. Long time prayer answered for Reena's family & Coimbatore church. People come to Jesus at the perfect time till that let us persevere without giving up.
Sis.Kamala & her children |
Sis.Sangeetha & her child |
Bro. Prakash (right side) from Theni Church. His life was a great testimony today though his life was filled with continuous painful incidents.
Lost his sister’s husband in 2020, lost his father in an accident in 2022 and lost his brother Gnana Prakash (left side) this year 2023 in an another accident. Faith shattering for him, his sister, his sister in law & his mother. 3 widows and fatherless kids in just 3 years had brought whole lot of sadness to their family. His whole village is still cursing them for following Christ. But both staying strong till today facing all issues around them. Church being the great support during their difficult times. Our Lord Jesus Christ & His church the only comfort they have now. Please pray his family.
Sis.Gayathri & Deepa |
Roshni & Sebastian |
Sebastian & Roshni from Trichy inspired by the life testimony of Sis. Gayathri & Deepa’s (given above) they started to seek God more. Though they were from traditional Christian background they were seeking God because of their marriage needs and family issues, they started coming to Church and studied the Bible and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. A big boost to the faith of Gayathri’s broken heart. Today they both are reaching out to other souls.
Coimbatore Church Campus ministry conducting Bible discussions in four different places every week. Our Bro.Joe Richard took efforts to have the Bible discussion in his PPG college campus. Around 7 new friends joins every week for the discussion. And also he took special efforts to start a prayer cell to pray with them daily. Now some of his friends have started asking him to pray for them. God is working amazingly through him in that college. Please pray for those souls to be inspired by God's Word.
God be the Glory...